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Pourasl, H. H., Javidani, M., Khojastehnezhad, V. M., & Vatankhah Barenji, R. (2022). The Performance Prediction of Electrical Discharge Machining of AISI D6 Tool Steel Using ANN and ANFIS Techniques: A Comparative Study. Crystals, 12(3), 343.

Javidani, M., Heidarzadeh, A., Vatankhah Barenji, R., Paidar, M., & Jafarian, H. R. (2022). Unraveling the Relationship between Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Friction Stir-Welded Copper Joints by Fuzzy Logic Neural Networks. Crystals, 12(2), 216.

Barenji, R. V. Ghadiri Nejad, M., (2022) Blockchain applications in UAV-towards Aviation 4.0, Invited Book Chapter5.1, Intelligent and fuzzy techniques in Aviation 4.0: Theory and applications, Springer

Hariry, R. E., Barenji, R. V., & Paradkar, A. (2021). Towards Pharma 4.0 in clinical trials: a future-orientated perspective. Drug Discovery Today.

Reza H.Ebrahimi, Barenji, R. V., Anant Pardkar (2021), From Industry4.0 to Pharma4.0, Invited Book Chapter, New book for SPRINGER : Handbook of Smart Materials, Technologies, and Devices - Applications of Industry 4.0.

Barenji, R. V. (2021). A blockchain technology based trust system for cloud manufacturing. Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 1-15.

Heidarzadeh, A., Paidar, M., Güleryüz, G., & Barenji, R. V. (2020). Application of nanoindentation to evaluate the hardness and yield strength of brass joints produced by FSW: microstructural and strengthening mechanisms. Archives of Civil and Mechanical Engineering, 20(41), 41. 

Heidarzadeh, A., Testik, Ö. M., Güleryüz, G., & Barenji, R. V. (2020). Development of a fuzzy logic based model to elucidate the effect of FSW parameters on the ultimate tensile strength and elongation of pure copper joints. Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 53, 250-259. 

Barenji, R. V., Akdag, Y., Yet, B., & Oner, L. (2019). Cyber-Physical-based PAT (CPbPAT) framework for Pharma 4.0. International journal of pharmaceutics. 

Ghadiri Nejad, M., Huseyin, G., Vizvari, B., Barenji, R.V, (2019). Process Sequencing for a Pick-and-Place Robot in a Real-life Flexible Robotic Cell, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Springer.

Heidarzadeh, A., Motalleb-nejad, P., Barenji, R. V., Khalili, V., & Güleryüz, G. (2019). The origin of the maximum hardness of the friction stir welded single-phase Cu-Zn plates: RSM, EBSD, and TEM investigation. Materials Chemistry and Physics, 223, 9-15.

Heidarzadeh, A., Barenji, R. V., Khalili, V., & Güleryüz, G. (2019). Optimizing the friction stir welding of the α/β brass plates to obtain the highest strength and elongation. Vacuum, 159, 152-160.

Ghadiri Nejad, M., Shaverani, M., Vizvari, B.,  Barenji, R.V, (2018). Trade-off between process scheduling and production cost in cyclic flexible robotic cell. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Springer

Ghadiri Nejad, M., Huseyin, G., Vizvari, B., Barenji, R.V, (2018). A mathematical model and a SA for solving the cyclic scheduling problem of flexible robotic cell, Advances in mechanical engineering

Ghadiri Nejad, M., Kovacs, G., Vizvari, B.,  Barenji, R.V, (2018). An optimization model for cyclic scheduling problem in flexible robotic cell. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Springer

Pourasl, H. H., Khojastehnezhad, V. M., Barenji, R. V. (2017), Effect of tool pin profile on the microstructure and mechanical properties of friction stir processed Al6061/Al2O3-TiB2 surface hybrid composite layer. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part L: Journal of Materials Design and Applications

Barenji, R. V., Yuksel Ozkaya B, Barenji, A. V., (2017) Quantifying the advantage of a kitting system using petri nets: a case study in turkey, modeling, analysis and insights. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Springer .

Pourasl, H. H., Khojastehnezhad, V. M., Barenji, R. V. (2017), Elucidating the effect of electrical discharge machining parameters on the surface roughness of the AISIS D6 tool steel using response surface method. Indian journal of Engineering and materials sciences.

Barenji, A. V., Barenji, R. V, (2017). Improving Multi-Agent Manufacturing Control System by Indirect Communication  based on Ant Agent. Journal of Systems and Control Engineering.

Bijanrostami, K., Barenji, R. V., & Hashemipour, M, (2017). Effect of Traverse and Rotational Speeds on the Tensile Behavior of the Underwater Dissimilar Friction Stir Welded Aluminum Alloys. Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 1-12.

Bijanrostami, K., Barenji, R. V. (2017). Underwater dissimilar friction stir welding of aluminum alloys: Elucidating the grain size and hardness of the joints. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part L: Journal of Materials Design and Applications

International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management

Sensor Netw Data Commun

Azizi, A., Barenji, A. V., Barenji, R. V., & Hashemipour, M. (2016). Modeling Mechanical Properties of FSW Thick Pure Copper Plates and Optimizing It Utilizing Artificial Intelligence Techniques. Sensor Netw Data Commun,5(142)

CIE45 Proceedings

Shaygan, A., & Barenji, R. V. (2016). Simulation Platform for Multi Agent Based Manufacturing Control System Based on The Hybrid Agent. arXiv preprint arXiv:1603.07766

Barenji, A. V., Barenji, R. V.,Hashemipour, M. A dynamic multi-agent-based scheduling approach for SMEs  The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Springer

Barenji, R. V., Khojastehnezhad, V. M., Pourasl, H. H., (2016). Electrical discharge machining of the AISI D6 tool steel: Prediction and modeling of the material removal rate and tool wear ratio, Precision Engineering

Etminanfar, M. R., Khalil-Allafi, J., Montaseri, A.,Barenji, R. V. (2016). Endothelialization and the bioactivity of Ca-P coatings of different Ca/P stoichiometry electrodeposited on the Nitinol superelastic alloy.Materials Science and Engineering: C. 

Azizi, A,  Barenji, R. V,  Barenji, A. V., Hashemipour, M., (2016). Microstructure and mechanical properties of friction stir welded thick pure copper plates , Int J Adv Manuf Technol,1-11

Barenji, A. V., Barenji, R. V., Hashemipour, M.(2016). Flexible testing platform for employment of RFID-enabled multi-agent system on flexible assembly line, Advances in Engineering Software,9 1-1-11

Journal of Composite Materials

Barenji, R. V., Khojastehnezhad, V. M., Pourasl, H. H., & Rabiezadeh, A. (2015). Wear properties of Al–Al2O3/TiB2 surface hybrid composite layer prepared by friction stir process. Journal of Composite Materials

Ceramics International

Khandan, A., Abdellahi, M., Barenji, R. V., Ozada, N., & Karamian, E. (2015). Introducing natural hydroxyapatite-diopside (NHA-di) bio-ceramic coating. Ceramics International.

International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology

Salemi Golezani , A., Barenji, R. V, Heidarzadeh, A Pouraliakbar, H. (2015). Elucidating of tool rotational speed in friction stir welding 7020-T6 aluminum alloy. Int J Adv Manuf Technol,1-10

Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part L

Barenji, R. V. (2015). Effect of tool traverse speed on microstructure and mechanical performance of friction stir welded 7020 aluminum alloy. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part L: Journal of Materials Design and Applications,

Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry

Farhanchi, M., Neysari, M., Barenji, R. V., Heidarzadeh, A., & Mousavian, R. T. Mechanical activation process for self-propagation high-temperature synthesis of ceramic-based composites. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 1-11.

Indian Institute of Metals

Heidarzadeh, A., Barenji, R. V., Esmaily, M., & Ilkhichi, A. R. (2015). Tensile Properties of Friction Stir Welds of AA 7020 Aluminum Alloy. Transactions of the Indian Institute of Metals, 1-11.

Innovation for Collective Awareness Systems

Barenji, R. V., & Hashemipour, M. (2014). Enterprise Competency Modeling-A Case Study. In Technological Innovation for Collective Awareness Systems (pp. 157-164). Springer Berlin Heidelberg.

Procedia CIPA

Barenji, R.V, Hashemipour, M., & Guerra-Zubiaga, D. A. (2014). Enterprise competency modeling in practice-an exploratory case study. Procedia CIPA 25 (426-430)

Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B

Ilkhichi, A. R., Soufi, R., Hussain, G., Barenji, R. V., & Heidarzadeh, A. (2014). Establishing Mathematical Models to Predict Grain Size and Hardness of the Friction Stir-Welded AA 7020 Aluminum Alloy Joints. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B, 1-9

International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing

Barenji, R.V, Hashemipour, M., & Guerra-Zubiaga, D. A. (2014). A framework for modelling enterprise competencies: from theory to practice in enterprise architecture. International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing, 1-20.

The South African journal of Industrial Engineering

Barenji, A. V. Barenji, R. V.,, Hashemipour, M. A framework for Structural Modelling of an RFID-Enabled Intelligent Distributed Control System 25(2)-48-66, The South African journal of Industrial Engineering

The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology

Barenji, R. V., Barenji, A. V., Hashemipour, M. A Multi-Agent RFID-Enabled Distributed Control System For A Flexible Manufacturing Shop, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Springer

IEEE Smart SysTech

Barenji, A. V., Barenji, R. V., Hashemipour, M (2013). Structural Modeling of a RFID-enabled Reconfigurable Architecture for a Flexible Manufacturing System. ITG-Fachbericht-IEEE Smart SysTech 2013

Innovative Computing Technology

Barenji, A. V., Barenji, R. V., Sefidgari, B. L. (2013, August). An RFID-enabled distributed control and monitoring system for a manufacturing system. In Innovative Computing Technology (INTECH), 2013 Third International Conference on (pp. 498-503). IEEE

Collaborative Systems for Reindustrialization

Technological Innovation for the Internet of Things

Barenji, R. V., Hashemipour, M., & Guerra-Zubiaga, D. A. (2013). Toward a Modeling Framework for Organizational Competency. In Technological Innovation for the Internet of Things (pp. 142-151). Springer Berlin Heidelberg

International Journal of Environmental Science

SaeidJafari, Barenji, R. V.,, and MajidHashemipour “Towards an automated guided vehicle (AGV) in sprinkler irrigation” International Journal of Environmental Science and Development (IJESD)

Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences

Barenji,R.V, Hashemipour, M., & Guerra-Zubiaga, D. (2013).Toward competency-assisted collaborative promotion framework in higher education, Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences , Elsevier  (pp. 245-262).


Barenji, R. V., Hashemipour, M., & Guerra-Zubiaga, D. A.” Towards a framework for intra-enterprise competency modeling” 2th IEEE international conference on advances in computational tools for engineering applications (ACTEA), pp.278-283, Lebanon, 2012. (IEEE

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